Farm machinery for New Zealand

The Transfer Roller concept

The Transfer Roller concept has been around and proven for many years, and has proven very successful. The Transfer Roller is used for rolling stones in, and rolling pugged paddocks, but it works on a completely different principle to the standard flat roller. The main differences are you run on 3PL, transferring a little weight from the back of the tractor to the roller. You operate the Transfer Roller at 10-12 km/h so the impact of the roller’s contact on stones or lumps is significantly higher, improving the results. Also driving at this speed increases the efficiency of the ground covered hect/time.  The roller drum is smaller, so seeing the steel is bent tighter than conventional roller, it is harder to dent. Another big plus is, when you get into a very wet area in the paddock, you can lift the roller up on the 3PL & keep driving, preventing the roller from getting bogged as you can with a heavy water filled roller.
All in all, a very clever way to roll. Saving you time & money!

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